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of 1,000
After a Hall of Fame career at Clemson University in football and baseball in the early 80's, a brief career in pro football and pro baseball I was blessed to be able to marry my best friend. But on May 3rd, 2016 (my wife Sharon's birthday) my life took a turn, nothing that I could have ever expected, I had to be admitted into the hospital and was told that I needed a liver transplant. I was blessed to be placed on the transplant list and 36 hours later on May 23rd, 2016 (my sister Rachel's birthday) I received my new liver. Please join me in becoming an organ donor to help save lives, and give others the opportunity that I received. Anyone of us at any time can be in need of an organ or tissue to help save or improve our own lives.


Enter your information to register as an organ, eye and tissue donor.

This registration is a binding, legal document of gift. You affirm the information provided is accurate. You agree upon death to donate all eligible organs and tissues for transplant.

You can remove your registration or specify more detailed donation preferences at any time at

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